Sunday, April 7, 2019

Free Ebook , by Dave Barry Alan Zweibel

Free Ebook , by Dave Barry Alan Zweibel

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, by Dave Barry Alan Zweibel

, by Dave Barry Alan Zweibel

, by Dave Barry Alan Zweibel

Free Ebook , by Dave Barry Alan Zweibel

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, by Dave Barry Alan Zweibel

Product details

File Size: 13901 KB

Print Length: 144 pages

Publisher: Flatiron Books (March 7, 2017)

Publication Date: March 7, 2017

Sold by: Macmillan

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

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At first glance, I couldn't wait to give this a second and third glance, followed by a probing analysis (with the focus on the 'ysis' part, not the other part). Anyway to clarify, this is not a Hagada it's more like primer/sidebar commentary as written by your very smart, somewhat snarky yet definitely very funny uncle--the one your parents had to invite every few years when it was "their turn"(or when your aunt called your mom and said "I don't care what excuses you come up with, next year he's all yours")...To put this in a more "Haggadic" context (and give me another chance to use non-air quotes), the 5 Rabbinic sages(none of whom had the Hebrew letter "phlegm" in their names) who pulled an all nighter discussing our Exodus from Egypt(and if God and/or Moses could sue Leon Uris for stealing the title) have nothing on the 3 comedy sages who made this instant classic a reality. Regardless if you celebrate Pesach, Passover, or "none of the above", (because you're gentile and use your Jewish-sounding name to get discounts when shopping in Jewish neighborhoods)It's truly a well crafted tome that's also a wake up call to anyone who thinks Seder reading material starts and stops with Maxwell house... speaking of Maxwell House, this is like a shot of espresso...and I mean the good stuff, not the overpriced stuff those hipster posers's so good, I can't wait to see the Broadway version!All kidding aside(well most of it), please don't confuse this with anything by Artscroll, Feldheim or for that matter Maxwell House, but despite that methinks it WILL inspire some smart Pesach/Passover-related conversation(which is what the Seder is all about)and in the process, add a fun dynamic...which is not at all surprising, considering it was done by some seriously funny guys. Makes me wish I was a fly on the wall at the "seders past" that inspired this idea.

Having attended Seders for more decades than I care to count, the telling of the story of the exodus from Egypt, year, after year, after year has become a little stiff and dry, much like the matzo around which the story is baked (or half baked, as the case may be). For This We Left Egypt ?, is a witty, thought provoking and scholarly update (okay, maybe a slight exaggeration) of the modern Haggadah, which is sure to liven up many a family Seder in the years to come. While retaining all of the rituals and traditions that have passed down through the millennium, its authors have combined their comedic talents to give both Jews and gentiles alike a new appreciation for the deeper meanings behind the Passover story. Certainly, for those of you who have considered inviting a few gentile friends to partake of the Seder, this version of the Haggadah will undoubtedly enable those friends to fully absorb the true meaning of Passover. To the more deeply traditional among you, you may wince from time to time, but once the initial shock wears off, I am confident you will go….holy s____!!!, so that is what they meant! From me, having included all the blessings over the wine and explaining how it was actually the Jews that invented the sandwich were among the highlights for me. Oh, and the belly laughs may even help to keep you up during the entire evening. This way you will not miss Elijahu…..maybe. Go out and read and re-read For This We Left Egypt? It will fill you with pride and amazement. It may even become your “go to” Haggadah at your family Seders in the years to come and bring a smile to the faces of all those sitting around your table. Whether you will find the answer to the question, did we really eave Egypt for this, read the book!. Can’t wait for the movie version.

I thought this would be a fun and usable haggadah that would lighten up our Passover Sedar, just to change it up. However, it doesn't quite work that way and isn't very user friendly and reads awkwardly and a little too over the top. Bummed I spent the money, wish there had been more sections I could have sampled to make an informed decision about this purchase.

Hell, what's not to LOVE about this book? The perfect antidote to every poorly-organized-but-well-intentioned seder you've ever survived, this magnificent volume belongs in the library of Jewish home with a sense of love and humor. You'll want to read it aloud on general principle. You'll savor the delightfully wiseacre tone of three of contemporary American Judaism's greatest wiseacres. You may even want to buy multiple copies for when you have a gathering of like-minded celebrants who enjoy a good belly laugh along with their tradition and celebration. Try it, you'll love it, bubleh.

I sent this book to two different family members and was able to read it with one of them last weekend. We laughed ourselves silly. It is definitely best read by/given to persons who are familiar with haggadot and the Passover seder ceremony, as it rings so true: it is what we have been conjuring up all these years but were never able to articulate openly, certainly not during the seder itself. Many thanks to the writers, but especially, to Alan Zweibel, who I heard interviewed a couple of times on SiriusXM Insight's programs, and who made the purchase of this book (after I picked myself up off the floor, regaining my breath and dignity from fits of laughter) a must.

Bought several as Hanukkah gifts, and people loved it. Gave one to myself it was too cute to miss. I love Dave Barry, and I think the best thing about this is the cover....very funny. Oh, and the title..... There have been a few very silly ones out, this is not one of those. It's actually fairly serious but on the money and funny too. Hard to describe...just buy it, he needs the dough. Yeah, right.

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, by Dave Barry Alan Zweibel PDF
, by Dave Barry Alan Zweibel PDF


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