Monday, September 26, 2011

Ebook Free , by Mark Forster

Ebook Free , by Mark Forster

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, by Mark Forster

, by Mark Forster

, by Mark Forster

Ebook Free , by Mark Forster

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, by Mark Forster

Product details

File Size: 743 KB

Print Length: 212 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0340746203

Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton (November 27, 2014)

Publication Date: November 27, 2014

Sold by: Hachette Book Group

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#670,489 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I have read many books on organizing, starting with David Allen to Get Things Done, but had trouble putting it into practice, so on to the next books. This UK author writes in a clear manner and I can follow with no trouble at all.I am more the intuitive type of person rather than left brain logical when it comes to doing tasks. This is the perfect book for my type. Part of my life is logical, but the emotional flitting from one thing to another has undermined my ability to choose what I focus on, and Mark explains what can be done. It is a small book but packed with wisdom and the author has had years to find things that work for someone like myself. He has Youtube videos as well as online presence, blog and I have found all of it extremely useful for time management.Now I want to read his other books.

Mark Forster took a refreshing new approach to time management. He studied why people don't get things done and how that creates stress in their lives. He then offers a systematic way of getting things done that is very practical and actionable. Great stuff!

Loving Forster's two latest books, I wanted to have this one as hard copy as well. (Already have it as digital book)

I originally started subscribing to Mark Forster's electronic newsletter and found it so helpful that I had to get his book! I actually went to last year in order to buy it since it wasn't even available in the US then. Now it's here, so even if you don't buy any other books this year you should get this one! And send it to your friends too!I'm not new to time management strategies, but Mr. Forster's coaching has done what other time management books haven't been able to do for me. As a result of reading this book and applying the information in it to my life, I've been able to work more efficiently both in my job and at home. Now I have more time to play with much less stress about what I haven't gotten done. I also bought the book for my sister and she has increased her income by saying "no" to projects that aren't worth her time. Now she works fewer hours and earns more than she did before!Mr. Forster approaches "time management" in a thoughtful and logical way and doesn't pretend there is only one strategy that will work. He explains why different time management tips don't work or in what specific circumstances they can still be useful. He also provides some strategies that were new to me and have been really helpful, such as working in short bursts of time. I perform well with deadlines, so having a deadline every 20 minutes has helped me get the most out of my work day and get things done at home too. The best part is that he admits to having problems with procrastination and following through, and has provided solutions that he actually uses in his own life and that work....I highly recommend this book to professionals, students, and homemakers to get organized, work smart, and have time left over to do what you want to do.

"The danger is that better time management techniques will lead to bigger and better overwhelm."Since we cannot add more actual time to the day we must be conscious of what activities consume time. Which ones do we most want to get done and which other activities we can say no to. As Mark says it is Life management rather than time management. Other topics he discusses are: What does someone who seems to be on top of everything all the time do differently than those who seem to always be one step behind? What is the need to manage our lives better? Common time management techniques their good and bad points. Overcomming resistances, focusing our attention, and breaking bad habits. There are many more topics and many exercises.This book was an entertaining and motivating look at managing ones life. I am now reading it through for the second time.

...If I were to attempt to sum up the essence of this book in one idea, it would be that one of the most efficient and effective uses of your time is to set up systems to use your time efficiently and effectively. Among the many systems offered in the book, including "Halving", "SWEET", and "Using Resistance to Order your Day", Forster's unique and valuable contribution to the world of time management is his system for dealing with "free-floating" items - the myriad activities from e-mail to prospecting to administration that tend to either dominate or drop through the cracks of our increasingly busy lives.Utilising this one idea, which empowers you to deal with a near infinite variety of tasks in short, manageable "bursts" of time, has allowed me to live at least three lives at once, maintaining an acting career, an active training and coaching schedule, and a wonderful family while still finding time to read, sleep, play with my dog, follow the Boston Red Sox and the LA Lakers, and write a daily coaching tip five days a week!Excellent, unique, valuable, and highly, highly recommended.

Many of the books about managing time seem to be written by systematic organized people who share their techniques, and the assumption is that you too can manage time if you follow their methods.Mark Forster started from the position that he was poor at managing his time. He analyzed what was going on, and recognized that the problem he had was about attention and about poor habits. He also noted that some of the most time-effective people he knew didn't use time management techniques at all. He created a series of training exercises, described in the book, which will help develop more effective habits.The book is personal, and describes the problems he had in learning his new methods in an interesting form. I'd recommend this book for anyone who wants to be more effective in getting things done.

The author does something that so few are willing to do; he tells you about his "flaws" and weaknesses, and that he isn't some "off the charts" genius who has always known what you should do. I like this. It sets such a wonderful tone for the great ideas he so beautifully outlines, creating a state of receptivity that is needed if you are to ever actually implement his insights. Well done!

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, by Mark Forster PDF


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